Posted on 15th August 2016 by Br. Gildas

This weekend, Brother Gregory made a whirlwind tour of Hungary for the Solemn Profession of Brother Janos in the Abbey of St Michael in Csorna.
The community of Csorna. Our Norbertine brothers in the Hungarian circary wear blue sashes and buttons on their habits, a privilege given them by the Queen of Hungary.Csorna is in the north-west of Hungary, not too far from the border with Austria and Slovakia, and was founded in 1180. Over the centuries, it has been invaded by Turks and communists, the latter of which tried very hard to extinguish the sons of St Norbert, but they happily returned to this ancient house in 1990. On my visit this weekend, I was privileged to be able to talk to the Abbot Emeritus, who was a novice in the abbey before it was closed by the communists. In those days, the noviciate dormitory was what is now the refectory.
The singing of the Suscipe
Prostration during the litany
And most importantly...I am very grateful for their hospitality (and for speaking English!), but especially for being given the room of Cardinal Mindszenty: I must say, I slept very well in his former bed!May the Lord look kindly upon our Hungarian brothers, and Brother Janos, that he may persevere as a faithful son of St Norbert.