The Mass of Reparation
Posted on 25th May 2009 by
Each week in our community a Mass is offered in reparation for the sins of sacrilege committed against Our Lord, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. These sins not only include the public insults suffered by Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist but also the sacrilege of those who neglect their Sunday duty of attending Mass. St. Philip's Priory is the centre of the Archconfraternity of the Blessed Sacrament in England. The Archconfraternity was founded by the Norbertine sister Rose of Bonlieu who promoted the devotion amongst the faithful. Members of the Archconfraternity promise to attend one extra Mass during the week in reparation for all those who neglect their Sunday obligation. Pope Leo XIII, who had a great desire to see the return of England to the Faith, raised the Mass of Reparation to an Archconfraternity. St. Pius Xth graciously bestowed his blessing on the work of the archconfraternity and in ackowledgement presented the Norbertine Canons with a gift of a beautiful chalice in 1907.
For further details please see here.