Simple Profession of Br Gildas D Parry
Posted on 24th August 2017 by Rev. Pius Collins
On the Solemnity of St Philip Benizi we celebrated the Simple Profession of Br Gildas D Parry.
More photos can be found on our Facebook page.Please keep Br Gildas in your prayers, and ask Almighty God that He might bless us with more vocations.

Prayer for Vocations Almighty Father, raise up abundant and holy vocations to the Order of Prémontré. Send us good and holy souls who will keep the Faith alive and guard the blessed memory of Our Holy Fathers Augustine and Norbert. Send us ardent yet gentle men who through the preaching of Christ’s word and the gparryistration of the Sacraments may continually renew your faithful.
Grant us holy ministers of your altar who will be careful and fervent guardians of the Eucharist; lifting high the Blessed Sacrament above all the errors and miseries of the world. Amen.