Paschal Candles 2020

Posted on 4th April 2020 by Br. Gildas

Fr Stephen has been painting the paschal candles during Lent, for use this Easter in our Churches and Priory chapel. Even during this “lockdown,” the churches must still have an Easter candle!

We are happy to share these images with you as a prelude to Easter. The thinnest candle belongs to Holy Name Church, which has a simple yet striking design, the Chi-Rho, symbolic of the name of Christ, on the Cross. The thickest belongs to Our Lady Immaculate Church, which has a simple Cross but an Agnus Dei (Lamb of God), a traditional Easter symbol, at the base. The “medium-sized” candle is for St Philip’s Priory chapel, which also has the Lamb, and is surmounted by a Crown (a reference to the “Corona” virus epidemic), as a prayer to Christ our King to come to the aid of our city and our parishes in the current crisis, and grant health and salvation by the power of His paschal mystery.

The reverse of each candle references the jubilee which begins later this year: 900 years of the Norbertine Order! The arms of the Order (in simple form) are on each of the parish candles, and the Priory one also includes the arms of the Priory and of Abbot Hugh. 1120 to 2020 represents for us Norbertines 900 years of dedicated service of God and his Church, and so many saintly brothers and sisters of St Norbert throughout the ages! It is a reminder too, that the white habit is symbolic not only of Our Blessed Lady’s Immaculate Conception, but also of the shining white garments worn by the angels at the Lord’s tomb, on the morning of His resurrection. Norbertines are called to be witnesses to the joyful resurrection of Christ.

We hope you enjoy these images, and we all look forward to seeing the candles lit and in their place in each church. As we enter Holy Week, let us remember that the shadows (“Tenebrae”) will soon be cast aside, and Christ our Light (“Lumen Christi”) will soon be shining upon us. Thanks be to God! Deo Gratias. After the dusk of Good Friday comes to dawn of Easter joy... just around the corner.

On a sunny weekend... we pray that you will receive the Light of Christ, and in turn continue to shine brightly in the world as witnesses to His Passion and Resurrection.

The first two images show Fr Stephen and all three candles; the next two are of Holy Name's candle; these are followed by two images of Our Lady Immaculate Church's candle; the final four show the Priory chapel candle.