40 Days for Life

Posted on 1st April 2012 by Rev. Pius Collins

On Friday 30th March I was pleased to represent the community at the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil in Bedford Square, London.40 Days for Life is originally an American initiative where groups of Catholics pray outside abortion clinics, hoping both to deter women on their way to get abortions and convert all those involved in the 'procedure'. This particular prayer vigil was gained greater prominence because it was attended by Rt Rev Alan Hopes, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster. The presence of Bishop Hopes prompted the arrayed forces of the culture of death to become apoplectic and stage a counter protest against the peaceful prayer vigil.Around 400 people turned up at the prayer vigil; we stood and prayed the rosary, said the Stations of the Cross, and prayed for the culture of life whilst being heckled, shouted at, and mocked by the pot-banging pro-abortion mob. Thankfully the pro-abortion protestors stayed peaceful, but several of them did at various points have to be removed by the police for directly disrupting our prayers. The police had us separated by metal fences but at one point a group of the pro-abortion protestors broke off and tried to surround some of us who were praying, at that point the police had to form a human shield to protect us.
Picture of the Vigil from Dr Joseph Shaw's Blog
I would ask that you keep the pro-life movement in your prayers this Holy Week, and particularly that as you follow our Lord on the via dolorosa you make reparation for all those people who mocked our Lord's suffering and passion. We know that He died to save them too.Other articles on the vigil can be found on Fr Tim Finigan's blog, John Smeaton's blog, and the blog of the Latin Mass Society's Chairman Dr Joseph Shaw. More photos can also be found on the Diocese of Westminster's Flickr photostream.